Wednesday, April 16, 2014

mesin press kaos murah jakarta | surabaya | gresik | sidoarjo | lamongan | malang | cianjur | bekasi | bandung | jakarta | lamonga | banyuwangi |

mesin press kaos murah jakarta | surabaya | gresik | sidoarjo | lamongan | malang | cianjur | bekasi | bandung | jakarta | lamonga | banyuwangi | 

Mesin press kaos murah hadir dengan penjualan mesin press best seller surabaya
Kegunaan  mesin press adalah alat bantu atau alat pengering cetak digital/atau transfer gambar melalui kertas transfer papper.Mesin press kaos ada bermacam-macam type dan ukuran. Mesin press kaos murah menyediakan dalam beberapa pilihan type untuk kebutuhan digitalprinting anda.Adapun harga mesin press kaos kami ada beberapa pilihan juga.Kelebihan lain dari mesin press kaos kami adalah pemakaian listirik yang rendah bila di bandingkan dengan mesin press pada umumnya adalah 900watt-2000watt

Sedangkan pemakaian mesin press kami adalah 350watt-900watt dalam beberapa pilihan ukuran dan type.
Bila di tanya mengapa harus mesin press watt rendah?
 jawabnya adalah untuk meminimalis biaya produksi 50-60%.Bayangkan jika anda menyalakan mesin ini dalam 20jam kerja, menerima jasa kaos caleg, jasa cetak kaos partai. anda akan di tuntut biaya produksi yang rendah bukan?.
Karena hal itu mesinpress kaos murah surabaya ada untuk mengatasi solusi anda

KLIK DI SINI UNTUK INFO TENTANG mesin press kaos murah jakarta | surabaya | gresik | sidoarjo | lamongan | malang | cianjur | bekasi | bandung | jakarta | lamonga | banyuwangi |

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Kelebihan Dtg Bp jet Bearing system

Kelebihan khusus printer dtg A3 Bpjet
  • Tinta lebih irit sampai 40% karena printer dtg A3 kami menggunakan software dan mekanik khusus yang tidak di jual di luaran.TAUKAH SAUDARA 1X CLEANING ANDA MEMBUANG UANG 13.500? 

Monday, February 3, 2014


Welcome Indonesia.We DTG printer is one of the distributors for our dtg.Dan printer specializing in the sale of DTG printers lain.Oleh not that why we started to learn the basics of Indonesian DTG printer ini.Printer there and here to help you - you who are looking for a business opportunity that is very easy and can generate profits up to 200 % . There are things and tricks that can be learned to improve sales and setting mesin.Bergabung with us and you will be able to benefit in the development of your business , especially in pengeprintan shirts which is here called the Indonesian DTG printer dtg.Printer sell some speck DTG printer , brand Bpjet .
Here are some of the types of machines that you can learn , namely :

1 . Standard A4 printer DTG Bpjet
2 . DTG printer high Bpjet A4
3 . DTG printers super A3
4 . DTG printers new era
5 . DTG printer transformers

For more information please visit the web . We at

There are lots of great deals for your business .
contact person: 031 5039925 or xl sympathy 081335093314 087851691057

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Printer dtg malaysia

''Bengkel DTG'' adalah tempat untuk para agan-agan yang memiliki pertanyaan atau masalah tentang seputar printer DTG.Kami welcome untuk semua jenis dan merk printer DTG anda.Bengkel DTG dengan senang hati untuk membantu setiap pertanyaan atau masalah lewat sms,tlp atau online YM kami.Permasalah printer sangat komplek, oleh karena itu printer DTG anda perlu di rawat dengan baik.Seperti layaknya mobil yang setiap hari di pakai, dan harus di cuci,di lap bahkan di kasih pewangi supaya kita krasan,mobil sendiripun jadi awet.Demikian juga printer DTG yang perlu di rawat dengan baik dan benar seperti di bersihkan,pemanasan dll secara rutin dan berkala.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


T-shirt printing machine or printer commonly called DTG ( direct to garment ) is a very promising effort choice in today

. Machine t-shirt printing is becoming known in Indonesia since Indonesia still rarely 2008.Di mengespose this machine ( printing machine t-shirt ) . Besides the price is relatively expensive for a beginner shirt printing business , DTG printer ( printing machine t-shirt ) is very small encountered in indonesia.We as the producer of printing t-shirts , trying to explore this machine ( printing machine t-shirt ) . at the 2009 Workshop print trying to create a type of t-shirt printing machine with 6 channel type R230 ink.Pada that time white ink and RIP software is still very expensive for our choice in the type beli.Kenapa R230 ? besides how to dismantle and pemahamman about printers
easier, this type of process quality stylus photo print already , so the results have been fine - unt pengeprint an.Marak printing world by calling DTG printer or the term Direct to Garment in publications abroad at such an exorbitant price tag in the U.S. around U $ 180.750 , in china around U $ 5.208 .

In Indonesia you can spend around about U $ 1.562 . Highly adrift a lot of difference .

Here I am trying to figure out the difference between the local T-shirt printing machine and import , the difference lies in :
1 . body machine
Body largely imported machinery manufacturing system , so between one unit with another unit of the same level of precision body . While local home tend mesih industri.Ada that menngunakan multyplex , no use aluclat , acrilick , to use an iron plate las.sehingga system worked hand plant and machinery has been much different .
2 . system circuit
import circuit has an additional panel to support the work machine ( printing machine t-shirt ) , such as hydraulic systems , automatic driving placemat panel buttons , sensors and automatic tray has A special software to read and personal level sensor system is not a universal system .
Local circuit follows the original engine unit in the modification and there are some other differences .
Basically the work unit and the local T-shirt printing machines imported sama.Seorang beginners tend to choose the type of t-shirt printing machine locally by reason of fixed prices and fast turnover .
Print Workshop produces printing this shirt with DTG printer name Bpjet . There are several types of units that have been launched him among Bpjet standard , high Bpjet , Bpjet super A3 , Bpjet new era , and Bpjet transformers .